مدونة شجون الروح: مارس 2020

التوقيت المحلي

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السبت، 21 مارس 2020

Corona viruses

Corona viruses:

Corona viruses | شجون الروح | مدونة شجون الروح

Corona viruses are a group of viruses that can cause diseases such as colds, severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) and the Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS). A new type of corona virus has been discovered after it was identified as the cause of the spread of one of the diseases that started in China in 2019.
The virus is now known as Corona 2 (SARS Cove 2). The resulting disease is called coronavirus 2019 (Covid 19).
Coronavirus 2019 cases have been found in an increasing number of countries, including the United States. Public health groups, such as the World Health Organization and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in the United States, are monitoring the matter and posting updates on their websites. The World Health Organization declared the disease a global pandemic in March 2020. These groups also made recommendations on disease prevention and treatment.

Corona virus disease signs and symptoms 2019 may appear 2 to 14 days after exposure, and may include:
Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
Other symptoms may include:
Runny nose
Sore throat
The symptoms of corona virus 2019 symptoms can range from very mild to severe. Some people have no symptoms. Older people or those who already have medical conditions, such as diabetes and heart and lung disease, may be more likely to develop severe disease. This is similar to what happens with other respiratory diseases, such as influenza.

When do you visit the doctor:
Call your doctor or clinic immediately if you experience symptoms of Coronavirus 2019 (Covid 19), or if you have had contact with an infected person, or if you live in an area where there is a continuous spread or return from a trip to that area, depending on the areas defined by the CDC Prevention and who. Before going to your appointment with a doctor, call him to tell him about the symptoms and trips you have taken and the possibility that you have been exposed to the virus.
Anyone with respiratory symptoms who have not been in an area of ​​continuous community spread can contact his doctor or clinic for more recommendations and advice. Tell your doctor if you have other chronic medical conditions. As the epidemic increases, it is important to ensure that health care is provided to those most in need.

The reasons:
It is unclear exactly how capable the new SK virus infection is between people. It appears to be spreading among people with direct contact. It may spread through respiratory droplets when the infected person coughs or sneezes.
It may also spread if a person touches a surface on which the virus is infected and then touches his mouth, nose, or eyes.

Risk factors:
The risk factors associated with Coronavirus 2019 (Covid 19) seem to include:
Recently residing in one of the areas that has experienced a persistent community spread of Coronavirus 2019 or a recent arrival from a trip to those areas, according to the areas defined by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention or the World Health Organization.
Close contact with a person who is infected with HIV 2019, such as when a family member or health care worker takes care of an infected person.

Complications can include:
Inflammation of both lungs
Several organ failure

Although a vaccine is not available to prevent the new Coronavirus, you can take steps to reduce your risk. The World Health Organization and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommend that the following precautions be taken to prevent corona virus disease 2019 (Covid 19):
v Avoid attending large events and gatherings.
v Avoid close contact (within 6 feet or 1.8 meters) with anyone who is sick or has symptoms.
v Keep a distance between you and others if the coronavirus is prevalent in your community, especially if you are at greater risk of developing an acute degree of illness.
v Wash your hands frequently with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, or use a manual antiseptic that contains at least 60% alcohol.
v Cover your mouth and nose with your elbow or a tissue when you cough or sneeze. Dispose of the napkin after using it.
v Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth if your hands are not clean.
v Avoid sharing dishes, drinking glasses, bedding and other household items if you are sick.
v Clean and disinfect daily the surfaces you frequently touch.
v If you are sick, stay at home and do not go to work, school or university, and the same applies to public places, unless this is to obtain medical care. Avoid using public transportation if you are sick.

الأربعاء، 11 مارس 2020

علم البكتيريا| Bacteriology

علم البكتيريا| Bacteriology

علم البكتيريا| Bacteriology | شجون الروح | مدونة شجون الروح

علم البكتيريا| Bacteriology

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علم البكتيريا| Bacteriology

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Bacteriology of Humans

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